Learn to paint in oils or acrylics

FREE 2.5 hour instructional video - paint these New Forest Ponies with me!

Limited time only!

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In this demonstration you will learn:

  • How to plan for a successful painting
  • To use light and shadow shapes for a strong visual statement
  • A neat trick I love to use to draw quickly and accurately
  • Intuitive colour mixing
  • To make deliberate decisions about hard and soft edges
  • How to breathe life and movement into your animal paintings

"I don't skip a single step! In 2.5 hours I will talk you through everything from the reference photo to finishing touches."

New Forest Ponies small

This tutorial can be completed in either oils or acrylics. Here is what you'll need:

  • Canvas or canvas board
  • Oil or acrylic paints (suggested colours: titanium white, lemon yellow, cadmium red or similar, alizarin crimson, burnt sienna, ultramarine blue, optional - sap green)
  • A range of small, medium, large(ish) brushes
  • Mineral spirit (if using oils only)
  • Paper towels
  • Palette (a plastic tub lid will do the trick)
  • Healthy dollop of enthusiasm! ๐Ÿ™‚
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This free demonstration video is the perfect tool to enhance your artistic skills and bring your imagination to life on canvas.

Free for a limited time only!

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Join me and share your results online!:)